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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

Red headed blogger and dog walker who just doesn't like the Frogs.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Canada is Gay

I have been getting much flak from Aaron about my lack of posts. He has introduced me to a web counter that I have implemented. The hope is that I will see such overwhelming demand that my previously established catholic guilt will kick in thus leading to more posts and more restless sleep. However, I suspect there are 6 people who read this... you know who you are. If that's the case, the guilt level just won't be that high and you can expect the same level of sporadic posts.

I was listening to Ron & Mark's radio show this morning and they were talking about the fact that Canada is about to legalize gay marriage through legistlation. They, and I, find it incredible that gay marriage will come to Canada in a legitimate form, whereas in the US the only way gay marriage will come about is through the courts. Even liberal states like Oregon rejected gay marriage 58-42 in referendum and there isn't a state house in the land who will touch it.

So what gives? How is it that Canada is that much different than the US? The popular explanation on the radio show is that the fundamentalist religious types never took off in Canada. For the most part, Canada remains a bastion of Episcopalian. This would certainly explain a lot. Most of your fundamentalist Christians... sheesh, let's just call them the religious right, tend to take the moral teachings of the bible seriously and thus look down on things like sodomy, gambling, drinking and dancing... if you're into the whole Footloose thing.

Episcopalians on the other hand... well, they lost their moral mandate long ago. Forget all the recent hub-bub over gay bishops and the schism that is forming, the empty albeit quaint churches, and their crisis of clergy (imagine that, a clergy crisis despite allowing them to marry). I would argue the Episcopalian Church NEVER had a moral mandate. Why is there a Church of England? Frankly, the King of England wanted a divorce. So we have a whole religious schism based on the all important theological argument that kings should be able to get divorced. Excuse me for not taking them all that seriously.

So in Canada, you have a culture whose values are based on a church that came about to coddle the King's promiscuity. But this is true in England, New England, and New York - and none of these places have a majority of elected leaders clamoring for legalized gay marriage.

So my only conclusion - Canada is gay. They are an effeminate nation that has a peace at any cost foreign policy, their greatest exports are touchy feely theatre types and putting the lumber to our mills. And as Homer adroitly pointed out to the Queen, Canada has never had a girlfriend. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Canada is an amusing microcosm of what America would be like if a bunch of French speakers ran the country. It's amusing because it mostly doesn't matter. We'll never let Canada truly flush themselves down the toilet of history. The US simply has too much invested and we won't let anyone cross their borders without our go ahead. Europe on the other hand, is the not so amusing, not so micro version of what socialism and libertine-ism can do to destroy a culture, economy, and demographic. But that is another post on another day, assuming my new counter registers enough guilt.


Blogger Marty said...

Already at 9, and that's just today since you put the counter on, you might get surprised by the end of this week.

6/29/2005 7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bill - Those of us with RSS feed readers won't register on your counter... just FYI. So you should probably multiply your counter by one hundred to determine your guilt level.

6/30/2005 9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, your sitemeter stats are so big, do you workout?

6/30/2005 10:29 AM  

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