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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

Red headed blogger and dog walker who just doesn't like the Frogs.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

HA-HA, Your Historical Reference has been Usurped!

No theme or great thinking today, just some observations.

Maybe I'm the last person to pick up on this, I just haven't heard the requisite number of jokes and smirks - but Lance Armstrong's biking team is called "Team Discovery Channel". I am shocked at the total lack of Martin and Nelson references from the early days of the Simpsons. A french event, Martin's high pitched voice, and Nelson's shame are ingredients for comedic gold.

I wrapped up reading State of Fear the other day and I highly recommend it. Having nothing else on hand to read, I picked off a book from Franklin's book shelf - "Sons of the Profits". This book is about the founders of Seattle around 1850. The book was written in 1967 and went through some revisions through 1976. On page 9 was this gem, "Mike was to the town of Tumwater, Washington what Arthur Denny was to be to Seattle. He headed a group of seven men and their families (including George W. Bush, the first negro to settle in the territory)." Who knew?

I'll be attending blogger trivia tonight at Keegans. With any luck I will have more drinks than right answers.


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