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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

Red headed blogger and dog walker who just doesn't like the Frogs.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Lunch with Jonah

One of the cool things about being "National Director", is that when you bring in cool speakers like Jonah Goldberg you get to drive them around and have lunch with them. Unfortunately for the rest of you, you'll have to settle for reading his column or coming to his speech tonight at 7:00 in Wiley 125 at the U of MN. Or, you can catch him at Grainger Hall at the Univesity of Wisconsin tomorrow at 7PM.

Somehow every conservtive and their brother is hosting an event tonight. Dinesh D'Souza is speaking at St. John's tonight. In a way this is creepy. Jonah was in Minnesota speaking in front of Carlton College last month. At the same time, Dinesh was speaking at St. Olaf. Jonah is considering a restraining order.

Somewhere downtown Micheal Medved will be giving a speech on Minnesota politics in 2006. We spent most of the lunch trying to figure out what Micheal Medved knows about contemporary Minnesota politics. The only thing we could come up with was nothing. So don't go to that event.

And of course later tonight W will be giving the State of the Union. Yes the speech is important. Yes this could lead to a turnaround for a batterred president and yes I want to see Bush do well and take credit for getting Alito on the Court. But... do I really have to watch him talk? It really is the hardest thing to do. Besides, our event will be officially done before the SOTU. So if you'd rather hear the president than drink with us at Sterb's, then by all means.

And yes Geoff, I did clean out my car before picking him up.


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